Monday, June 27, 2016

Tips to Keep Your Mobile Phone Safe

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In this mobile phone-age, all your personal details and information are right in the palm of your hand. From your personal contact details to your bank account details and favorite apps, this small device holds all the information of your life. So, imagine what will happen if all the data gets into the hands of the wrong person? Your personal, official and financial life will be open for them to hack. Play it smart and secure all the data on your mobile phone. There are various ways in which you can keep your android or windows phone safe. An iPhone comes with plenty of security options that don’t allow unauthorized access of information, but for the other phones, it is up to you to boost the security system of your cell phone.
Here are some safety tips you can consider:

Use a passcode or password/Screen Lock

It is the most basic safety net of your mobile phone. It will take you less than a minute to navigate to the privacy option in the phone’s settings to set the password. Preferably use the option of password not visible, so others will not be able to checkout your passkey when you’re typing it. For safety, you should keep changing your password or pattern once in a while.

Install a Reliable Anti-Virus Software

A mobile phone is not just a communicating device, it is a mini computer that you use to browse websites, shop, make payments, and even find places. The chances of downloading a bug or a virus are very high, so you should secure your mobile system with a secure anti-virus software.

Download apps from Reliable Sources

There are hundreds of companies and people designing android and windows apps. While some of them may be genuine, there are many that may not have been designed with enough safety features. When you download such apps, you are providing a space for the internet junk to enter your mobile space. Read reviews of apps and check their ratings before you download apps. To be on the safe side, download apps from Google Playstore, App Store or a reliable source.

Be Careful When You Go Wireless

There are certain malls and restaurants that entice customers with free Wi-Fi. Though this sounds very interesting and a great option for mobile internet users, you should be careful as free hotspots can be the hot spots for viruses and other malware. Check the authenticity of the free network connectivity before you open your mobile phone network to it.

How do you keep your cell phone safe?

  •  Install an anti-virus program
  •  Have fingerprint/face scanner lock/unlock
  •  Don’t share my mobile location
  •  Avoid using free and unsecure Wi-Fi


You can get many of the software updates and anti-virus from the mobile phone dealer when you're purchasing the gadget. If you are having trouble after you have used the phone for some time, then you can contact your local mobile phone service center for repair and servicing.

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