Monday, June 27, 2016

11 Secret Codes That Unlock Hidden Features on Your Phone

Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)—sometimes known as "quick codes" or "feature codes"—is an extra-UI protocol, which allows people to use hidden features. This protocol was originally created for GSM phones, but can be found onCDMA devices as well (if that's a bunch of acronym gibberish to you, here's a quick primer).

These publicly available backchannels allow users to directly communicate with their service provider's computers and/or access back-end features in their device. Input them via the phone's dialer (the screen you use to start a phone call) and usually begin and end with the * or # keys with a sequence of numbers in between (there's close-to-zero chance that anyone would accidentally access them).
Most people don't know about them because they don't really need to know about how their local cell tower is performing or what their IMEI number is (more on that later). Still, it can be fun to play around and see what unexpected functionality your phone is hiding beneath the surface.
We would LOVE to provide you with a comprehensive list of the dozens of codes out there, but that would be an exercise in futility. These codes seldom work across different carriers, OSes, or phone models (or even on generations of the same model).
If you really want to try them out, your best bet may be to Google your phone's make and carrier + "USSD" for a tailored, comprehensive list. I attempted a number of codes using an iPhone SE (while trading out numerous carrier SIM cards) and a Galaxy S5 running on AT&T. Some of them worked! Click through our slideshow for 11 codes that I can confirm worked on at least one device. Good luck and have fun!

Field Mode: *3001#12345#*

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